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Boost and Overdrive

I’m quite the fan of those Landgraff style swirly paint jobs - which skill Leprechaun’s Patrick has very evidently mastered. The original ones of these were mostly green - as per the example below. While Patrick has done some in blue (per the demo), and red also - like mine!


The Paddy Whacker, designed in collboration with Dr Scientist’s Ryan Clarke, is described as a high gain distortion - where for me it’s not so much heavy metal high gain, but close enough I guess in certain ...

Stefan KarlssonPopularCommentsRSS FeedContent Subscriptions

Audiostorm's Grand Classic High Gain Distortion is a genuinely new take on the genre with so much added smarts

AudiostormBrown Sound DistortionDistortionEnvelope Filter and Auto WahMarshall Style DistortionMetal DistortionMulti-DriveWah and Fixed Wah+-

Lydia Sean Mandrake is not one to follow the crowd or do things by halves. This Grand Classic Passion Project has way exceeded its Kickstarter timeline - but is all the better for it, and is overall a vast improvement on the original concept - acquiring an improved control topology, and a couple of key accessories along the way.


At the same time, Lydia developed Audiostorm’s own automated ’pick-and-place’ manufacturing assembly line, utilising numerous 3D-printed parts. Turns out Lydia is ...

Stefan KarlssonPopularCommentsRSS FeedContent Subscriptions

Which one is King of the Capos?

G7th CaposGuitar AccessoriesJim DunlopThalia Capos+-

So in an unusual departure for me, I’m going to let you participate in the decision. This is actually quite the conundrum - on account of the wildly varying price points - where each subsequent one is twice the price of its predecessor.


Each one of these is a different device as such - in terms of its workings, design and ergonomics. So you’re not entirely comparing like with like - but then that’s the same with all of pedaldom - where we frequently compare and contrast pedals across ...

Stefan KarlssonPopularCommentsRSS FeedContent Subscriptions

My Recovery Effects' Zenith and Vales Bit-Crushing Digital Annihilation Fuzz has landed

Bitcrushing and Lo-FiFuzzModulationOddball FuzzRecovery EffectsRing Modulation+-

A really cool sort of fuzz oddity, which is even less of a proper fuzz than the Mattoverse AirTrash. We’re dealing with various Bit-Crushed and Sample Rate Reduction and essentially modulation of the incoming signal - which renders some very sci-fi sounds. Mostly leaning into the synth side of things. You don’t get anything approximating traditional fuzz - but what you get is an extraordinarily versatile noise box - but one which requires patience and diligence!


Besides the two mode ...

Stefan KarlssonPopularCommentsRSS FeedContent Subscriptions

Alexander Pedals makes a slight detour for its latest Forget Me Not Digital 4-Head Tape Delay / Reverb

Alexander PedalsDelayDigital DelayLo-Fi DelayReverbTape Delay+-

And so we have a rather intriguing new pedal from Alexander Pedals - which looks like something you would typically be more likely to see coming out from Old Blood Noise Endeavors!


This new Forget Me Not Digital 4-Head Tape Delay is quite different from Alexander’s current models - which typically come with a handy mini screen. On this occasion though we have a much more traditional pedal - with no screen, and no hidden or secondary functions - everything is fully surfaces on this new pedal...

Stefan KarlssonPopularCommentsRSS FeedContent Subscriptions

Colombo Audio's Eruption Pedal delivers instant satisfaction EVH Variac Distortion

Colombo Audio ElectronicsDistortionMarshall Style Distortion

Firstly - props to my good friend Henry Kaiser for putting me onto this. This very neatly dovetails into the same kind of experience that I had with my fairly recent superb Tanabe.TV Trifecta. All of those pedals have it in common to sound already brilliant with all dials at noon, but then things get even better when you dial the pedals in to perfectly match your own rig.


Controls - Volume, Gain, Variac (< Classic Plexi | Instant Eddie >), Tone.


Those 4 controls configured to my ...

Stefan KarlssonPopularCommentsRSS FeedContent Subscriptions

Another trip to Rainger FX HQ reveals further details on the MiniDrone

Guitar Synth and SequencerHarmonizerModulationPitchPitch-ShiftingRainger FX+-

So I’m on a hat-trick of onsite visits to Rainger FX’s Willesden Junction HQ. I was supposed to be there ahead of the MiniDrone launch, but a mix up in communications meant that I ended up there a few days after, and what an instructive visit it was. Just 2 of the team were present besides David - Baptiste, and Matt - who are featured in the above concept cover picture too. Of the two other regulars - Prav was away on vacation, and I believe Martin only comes in on one day of the week or so - ...

Stefan KarlssonPopularCommentsRSS FeedContent Subscriptions

Earthbound Audio's SuperCollider Doom Fuzz is finally in the Reference Collection

Big Muff Style FuzzEarthbound AudioFuzzFuzz-Drive and Fuzzstortion+-

I’ve touched on the SuperCollider on this site before, while the nature of its somewhat irregular small-batch manufacture meant that it remained rather elusive and out of reach for me for quite some years. In fact I just happened to come across a second-hand one on Ebay very recently - and managed to snap that one up at last. Just as well really, as I’m in the process of putting together a favourite Doom Fuzz rundown - what will be out in a week or two no doubt!


The combination of controls ...

Stefan KarlssonPopularCommentsRSS FeedContent Subscriptions

Mooer Mini Pedals vs OneControl vs Tone City vs All The Rest!

Best in ClassBoost and OverdriveDelayDistortionFuzzModulationMooerOneControlPitchReverbTone CityUtility+-

So in my usual twisted fashion I’ve somewhat fallen down a rabbit hole of Mini Pedals these days. This project was sparked off by the recent Andertons Ultimate Doom Pedal Shoot-out. That has some very oddly selected pedals within its shoot-out considerations, but where the Tone City Matcha Cream Green Russian did extremely well - in fact winning the most rounds - 8 in total of all the pedals trialled.


The eventual winner was kind of immaterial to me, I was all of a sudden intrigued as to ...

Stefan KarlssonPopularCommentsRSS FeedContent Subscriptions


So we now have a limited edition of the Unobtanium Klon + Dumble Dual Channel Overdrive in a different ’Raw’ Colourway, but more importantly with changes made to each of the 2 Channels!


On the Klon side we get a different ’Mod’ option on the Clipping / Compression switch. Were CTC’s Christos found that the NOS Mullard/Valvo OC45 germanium transistor paired exceptionally well with that circuit and generated even greater depths of breakup character.


While on the Dumble side that Chanel ...

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Ciaran Malone
Which one is King of the Capos?
"Ohh boy I have a LOT to say about capos as I play "...
2 hours ago
Stefan Karlsson
Which one is King of the Capos?
"I have to concur!"
16 hours ago
Stefan Karlsson
Which one is King of the Capos?
"OK - Shubb is 68g, same as trigger fly, the Paige "...
16 hours ago
Shawn P
Which one is King of the Capos?
"I have a Shubb S1 deluxe and a Paige capo that I "...
22 hours ago
Jonathan Nicholas
Which one is King of the Capos?
"I’m now up to 3 G7s spread around my electrics "...
1 day ago
Stefan Karlsson
Which one is King of the Capos?
"The Thalia one is the heaviest at around 92g!"
1 day ago
Stefan Karlsson
Which one is King of the Capos?
"Hmm - it's not lighter in weight - the T"...
1 day ago
Ferdinand van Kalsbeek
Which one is King of the Capos?
"I prefer the Dunlop Trigger Fly Capo. It is "...
1 day ago
Stefan Karlsson
Mooer Mini Pedals vs OneControl vs Tone City vs All The Rest!
"Ha ha - that I can'r really say - as the only "...
1 day ago
Stefan Karlsson
Which one is King of the Capos?
"Hey Everyone! I tend to lean into innovation, "...
1 day ago
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