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Boost and Overdrive

8 years after its debut, Boss's Katana Amp Series evolves to a 3rd Generation Tube Logic Platform - with even greater sound, feel and response

Amp HeadAmpsBest of BrandsBossCombo AmpGigging AmpHome-Play AmpKatanaModelling AmpSolid State Amp+-

Somewhat serendipitously - Boss’s Katana Series was birthed in the same year that Guitar Pedal X first started - 2016. From that first MKI Series I very early on acquired a Katana 100, which of course was a long term favourite of mine. Then in 2019 Boss introduced the improved MKII Series - with the quite superb Artist MKII arriving a year later - that was to be my second Katana Amp. And now in 2024 Boss has released the Gen III Series, NOT MKIII, as this release is far more significant than a ...

Stefan KarlssonPopularCommentsRSS FeedContent Subscriptions

DSM & Humboldt's Simplifer X Zero Watt Reverb Stereo / Dual Amplifier is a magnificent marvel of analog audio engineering

Amp and Cab IR SimAmpsDigital ReverbDSM & HumboldtEQFloor-AmpGigging AmpHome-Play AmpModelling AmpSolid State Amp+-

I’m totally in awe of the technical prowess presented on this killer dual analog amps in a pedal format.


It’s actually a very compact device at just 125 x 105 x 65 mms, and carries so many advanced functions here almost entirely in the analog domain. There’s not a single sub-menu here - this is surely WYSIWYG perfection - while it does use every available surface to cram in all the technology that is needed to support all those features.


At first encounter this all seem wholly intuitive...

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Boss have built the perfect performance amp for Acoustic Singer/Songwriters while drawing on some smart technology to simulate traditional Amp Mic’ing setups and delivering it through a fully Immersive Stereo soundstage.


You have extensive controls to fine-tune both Vocal and Acoustic Guitar inputs - but there are none of the usual Katana effects and tricks here - this is intended as a more purist stripped down affair - letting the instrument and voice breathe and resonate pretty naturally ...

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Boss's New Rugged Dual Cube LX and Dual Cube Bass LX are the ultimate Grab 'n Go Amps for Indoor Use

AmpsBossCombo AmpGigging AmpHome-Play AmpRolandSolid State Amp+-

I will start off with a little contextual history on Roland and Boss Amplifiers. Obviously Roland is Boss’s parent company and had the initial success with its JC Jazz Chorus amps. On the back of that success it then released a number of wedge-shaped Cube amps - essentially outdoor performer amps - which became the mainstays of journeymen buskers. If you’re out and about in London you will likely see Roland Cubes on every other leading tourist area street corner. So for the longest period it ...

Stefan KarlssonPopularCommentsRSS FeedContent Subscriptions


Boss’s Tube Logic Series of Nextone Amps somewhat failed to garner the same plaudits and support as the lower cost Katana Range - while the Artist edition Nextone contained some particularly clever circuitry - yet those amps did not resonate as well with their intended audiences as was predicted / expected. Meaning that the Boss engineers have expended some very significant effort in the interim towards getting the new Special Amp up to the level it truly deserves to be at.

The Nextone ...

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Boss Announces Katana Artist MKII just in time for NAMM

AmpsBossCombo AmpGigging AmpHome-Play AmpModelling AmpSolid State Amp+-

So this is the amp a lot of us have been waiting for - and actually somewhat ahead of schedule really per my expectations. It of course carries over all the previous Artist advantages and benefits - including the front-facing control panel and superior Waza Craft Speaker - and marries those to the latest Katana MKII innovations - the Variation button on Amp Types, more granular Effects control via dual-concentric knobs, dual-amp stereo link - and of course the extended range of Effects and ...

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Boss Moves Even Further Ahead with its New and Improved MKII Katana Amp Range

Amp HeadAmpsBossCombo AmpGigging AmpHome-Play AmpModelling AmpSolid State Amp+-

Anyone who’s read this blog will be very aware that I’m a fan of the Boss Katana amps - I’ve had the now series 1 KT-100 since it first came out as my left-hand amp in my stereo rig, and had already decided that I would be transitioning to the Katana Artist - with its better speaker and it’s various included extras - amongst them the forward-facing control panel.


Now the MKII range has come out and it has in effect frog-leaped over the Artist in terms of overall...

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Best of Polish Guitar Pedals and Pedal Builders

AmpsAnalogWise PedalsBig Muff Style FuzzBoostBoost and OverdriveChorus and VibratoDelayDigital ReverbDistortionDriveEffects Pedal MakersExar ElectronicsFlangerFloor-AmpFuzzFuzz Face Style FuzzFuzz-Drive and FuzzstortionGermanium FuzzGigging AmpG-Lab Guitar LaboratoryGlitchGranular DelayHexe Guitar ElectronicsHome-Play AmpLongAmpMarshall Style DistortionModulationOccvlt PedalsOctave FuzzOverdrivePedal PlanetPower SuppliesReverbSilicon FuzzSitek Guitar ElectronicsSuper-Fuzz StyleTaurus AmplificationTube AmpUtilityYankee Power+-

Poland was both trickier and yet eventually easier to rationalise than originally perceived. I have scanned through many a country now, and Poland seems to be the last of those with sufficient numbers of high calibre pedal builders to warrant a dedicated feature*. As noted before - these sorts of article take quite a lot of work to complete - and so this is the last of these I will be doing for a while.


* Note that USA and Japan are the leading pedal builders of the world still and too ...

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10 of the Best New Guitar Amps Released in 2018

3rd Power AmpsAmp CabinetAmp HeadAmpsBossCombo AmpGigging AmpHome-Play AmpKoch AmpsMESA/BoogieModelling AmpPaul Reed SmithPRSSolid State AmpSuproTube AmpVox Amplifcation+-

I feel Boss still kind of bossed it in 2018 - with 3 heavy hitters that took on all-comers in those categories - the Katana Air, Katana Artist and Nextone Artist - a trio pretty much suited for any sort of conditions - the first as the best of the portable practice amps - and the latter two as the ultimate versatile gigging-machines - for those that still like to lug amps around.


I feel that this sort of cabinet form factor of amp will be largely restricted to more fixed locations as ...

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Best of German Guitar Pedals and Pedal Builders

AmpsAnalog DelayBitcrushing and Lo-FiBluGuitarBoostBoost and OverdriveDelayDiezel AmplificationDistortionEffects Pedal MakersGigging AmpHexe EffectsHome-Play AmpJPTR FXKMA AudioLehleMetal DistortionModulationNeo InstrumentsNobelsODR Style OverdriveOKKO FXOverdrivePedal PlanetPhaserRotary SpeakerTube AmpTubescreamer Style OverdriveUtility+-

After the Best of French roundup, the German leg of the European tour turned out to be quite arduous. Germany have easily as many pedal builders as he UK but with a little more strength in depth. There’s a mix of everything from Germany - both vintage and innovation, and they’re of course very strong in the area of overdrive and distortion as backed up by their many superb high-gain amp builders.


Overall, I felt that there were a few more brands here that I was familiar with, and I chopped ...

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Stefan Karlsson
Stefan Karlsson
Guitar Pedal X
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Ciaran Malone
Which one is King of the Capos?
"Ohh boy I have a LOT to say about capos as I play "...
1 hour ago
Stefan Karlsson
Which one is King of the Capos?
"I have to concur!"
15 hours ago
Stefan Karlsson
Which one is King of the Capos?
"OK - Shubb is 68g, same as trigger fly, the Paige "...
15 hours ago
Shawn P
Which one is King of the Capos?
"I have a Shubb S1 deluxe and a Paige capo that I "...
21 hours ago
Jonathan Nicholas
Which one is King of the Capos?
"I’m now up to 3 G7s spread around my electrics "...
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Stefan Karlsson
Which one is King of the Capos?
"The Thalia one is the heaviest at around 92g!"
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Stefan Karlsson
Which one is King of the Capos?
"Hmm - it's not lighter in weight - the T"...
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Ferdinand van Kalsbeek
Which one is King of the Capos?
"I prefer the Dunlop Trigger Fly Capo. It is "...
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Stefan Karlsson
Mooer Mini Pedals vs OneControl vs Tone City vs All The Rest!
"Ha ha - that I can'r really say - as the only "...
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Stefan Karlsson
Which one is King of the Capos?
"Hey Everyone! I tend to lean into innovation, "...
1 day ago
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