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Boost and Overdrive

Lichtlaerm Audio's latest masterpiece is its visceral Medusa Death Metal take on the venerable Boss HM-2 Heavy Metal Distortion

DistortionLichtlaerm AudioMetal Distortion
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The Medusa is actually a sort of MKII version - where the original 2020 collaboration with Berlin Death Metal Band Breathe//Die - simply carried the bands name. This time around it just carries the band’s logo!


That previous version had 12 controls, 6 regular knobs, 5 mini knobs and a toggle switch - it also had dual Boost and Engage footswitches. In fact - the controls were - Range, Gain, Level, Boost, Mid, Shift, Grit, Low, High, Phase : Positive / Negative, Parallel FX Loop Blend, Parallel FX Loop Expander, Parallel FX Loop Send & Return, Boost Footswitch, Engage Footswitch.


By contrast the new Medusa has a different set of 12 controls - Gain, Level, Low-Cut (Up to 1.5kHz), Active Low ±16dB @ 90 Hz, Mid ±16dB, Grind ±16dB (Twin Peaks @ c. 1.0kHz & 1.3kHz), Presence : Highs Shelving Filter, Gate (Key & Gate circuit), Mid-Freq : 200-700Hz, FX Loop Blend, Mode / Voicing : Modern, Louder & More Mids / HM-2 Classic, FX Loop Polarity, Send / Return Parallel FX Loop.


It has all the aggression of the original Boss HM-2 - and then some - which renders somewhat beautifully slightly brutal / harsh and discordant because of the Twin Peaks frequencies delivered by a pair of gyrators - at 1.0 kHz, and 1.3 kHz. In fact the Modern / Classic Mode switch is not dissimilar to the recent HM-2W’s Custom Mode - where the Modern voicing beefs things up quite a bit more - with more mids present, more output volume and aggression.


At its core the Medusa has those HM-2 Low and High EQ’s - which are here labelled ’Low’ and ’Grind’ respectively. In fact there are actually 4 active EQ’s on the Medusa - each with a ±16dB range. You furthermore get Parametric Mids, and a Presence - Highs Shelving Filter, combined with the genius Low-Cut control, and aided by the Key and Gate noise-suppressor circuit.


Much like on the HM-2W - I actually much prefer the Modern / Custom voicing - it pretty much expands every aspect of the classic HM-2 and gives you more of everything.


My own Preferred Settings are - Gain @ Max, Level @ Max, Low-Cut @ Min, Low @ Max, Mid @ Max, Grind @ Max, Presence @ 2 o’c, Gate @ 10 o’c, Mid-Freq @ Min, Blend N/A, Modern Mode, Polarity N/A. Those settings deliver a beautifully brutal and hard-faced output. Very much the essence of the HM-2 Death Metal Sound - but somewhat augmented and enhanced.


This is my third of the Lichtlaerm 'Heavy Brigade' where I love each and everyone one of those. They each have a different timbre and frequency response - the Gehenna is the deepest and bassiest, the Altar the most sustaining and punchy, and this Medusa - the most 'Grinding'.


Moreover each of those is greater that the sum of its parts, and is so versatile that it can be turned to any purpose. These are all very evidently High Gain devices - but you have a lot of flexibility in the controls to deliver subtler sounds - as well as those earth-sharking ones.


I can't picture a stronger Trifecta than the Altar, Gehenna, and Medusa - together those cover off all the heavy metal flavours you might want - and the Parallel FX Loop on the Medusa - allows you to combine that with the Altar and Gehenna in very interesting ways - including creating a sort of Grindstein with the Medusa + Gehenna in the loop!


Before I forget - it's important to mention Graphic Designer - Kasia Jasmina - who is responsible for that stunning Medusa artwork - beautifully rendered in solid gold! The Gehenna was done by a friend of Daniel's who has since stopped painting unfortunately. Altar was done by @hgphbc and all the current designs are done by @_aphelior_.


I acquired all 3 of my Lichtlaerm trifecta from Joe's Pedals in the UK - where they go for £179 each, for those on the continent, you should go direct to Lichtlaerm for €199 each, in the USA you have Eastside Music Supply where those 3 are $219 USD each, and in Australia they are $359 AUS from Pedal Empire.


I really can't speak more highly of this trio / trifecta of Licthtlaerm Audio Pedals that I recently acquired - each of them is wholly exceptional in every way - these really deliver in any department. Where I sometimes receive slightly underpowered gain pedals - these are pretty much the opposite - extended range in every way. Props indeed to Daniel Ringl for these creations - especially at this price point, for such exceptional quality.



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Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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Stefan Karlsson
Stefan Karlsson
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